How can I change a user's name or email?
It is currently not possible to change a username or email address in Sentinel.
As a workaround, a new user may be created and the user with the current email can be deactivated. Once the user is deactivated, it will be possible to transfer their assigned records to the new user profile with the Transfer records button.
Which web browser can I use?
Sentinel guarantees compatibility with Google Chrome only. Other browsers should work, but some unexpected behaviour or errors could occur.
What happens after the trial period?
Before the end of the trial period, a decision is expected from an account holder whether to enroll to Sentinel. If the answer is yes, the rental will begin the day following the end of the trial period. In the event of discontinuation, the Sentinel support team deactivates the client space and destroys the data in a secure manner.
How can I delete an item (member, folder, event, document, etc.) in Sentinel?
For the sake of security and traceability, it is generally not possible to delete data in Sentinel. An archiving operation replaces deletion and hides data that is erroneous, duplicated or no longer relevant.
Member records can be archived by changing the member's status to Archived.
In the case of documents or events, this can be done by clicking on the Archive button.
In the case of labor relations, work accidents or ethics records, archiving is done by creating an archiving event.
Other types of documents such as union leaves normally have an Archive button at the top of the page.
How can I restore an archived document or folder?
The archiving operation is reversible in Sentinel. To restore an archived document, click on the Archived tab in the Documents section of the folder in question and then click on the Restore button. This button is also available in the Documentation Center.
If it is a labor relations, health and safety or ethics records, it is possible to add a Reopening event.
For a member, simply change their status to one other than Archived.
For any other archivable record, it usually suffices to go into the folder and click on the Restore button, generally at the top of the page.
How can I report a problem or an error in Sentinel?
It is possible to report an error in Sentinel by contacting us at or from the application itself by clicking on the "Chat" button. You may also call us at 1-888-370-2015 from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
Why am I not authorized to make certain changes to my client space?
In order to reduce the risk of conflicting or unauthorized requests, our customer support requires that any change relating to the configuration of your client space be requested by an account holder. Examples of changes that must be made by account holders:
- Changes to sectors, functions, employers, grievance natures, collective agreements, etc.
- Changes to the pricing plan or any requests resulting in a billable cost.
A maximum of two people can be designated as account holders for a single organization.
Can I make changes to my events or to my lists of functions, sectors or types?
If you are an authorized account holder for your organization, it is possible to have items added to these lists by opening a ticket with customer support. Adding new items to a list is free of charge but merging and renaming current items would be billable since it requires programming and testing. Please contact us for a cost estimate.
If you are not an authorized account holder, refer to your organization's account holder to make the request.
Is it possible to customize the application?
Certain configurations or dropdown menus, such as grievance deadlines, natures, events, or reminders, can be changed by an account holder in your organization by contacting our customer support.
However, modifications such as changing the name or the layout of the fields, changing the way in which the features are implemented are not possible.
However, we appreciate your comments and ideas, and may already have a solution available for you! If you have an issue and don't know how to manage it, contact our customer support, we will be happy to explore with you how Sentinel can meet your needs.
I had some sectors added and I don't see them in the menus.
After the sectors have been modified by our customer support, an administrator in your organization must modify the affected users’ permissions to give them access to the new sectors.
This is done through the administration module by choosing the desired user’s profile. Make sure the user has access to the correct sectors in the sectors section located in the bottom segment of their profile.
For the change to be effective, the user must log out and log back into Sentinel.
How do I designate a new account holder for my client space?
Switching the account holder can only be made from an account holder on record by opening a ticket with customer support, through email or by phone.
Make sure to provide the following information about the new account holder:
- Their full name
- Their function
- Their email address
- Their telephone number
- The name of the current account holder if it’s a replacement and not an addition
What should I do to stop receiving the daily journal?
It is not possible to deactivate daily journal mailings at the moment. It is sent by default to all Sentinel users. However, a user who does not want to receive them could create an automatic deletion rule in their email reader.
How can I update member data automatically and regularly?
The optional dynamic import module could meet your needs. Please contact us for a personalized quote.
What happens to our data when our Sentinel subscription ends?
If your organization terminates its Sentinel rental agreement, your client space will be deactivated and a copy of all your data will be sent to you upon request from an authorized party within your organization.
Can I export data from Sentinel?
Yes, data export can be done in multiple Sentinel modules. Individual records can be exported in PDF format using the Record Summary button in the General Information section of the file in question. Additionally, multiple bulk exports of data are available in multiple formats using the bulk action and export options typically found in the upper right corner of each module's main page.
What is an event in Sentinel and what information can it contain?
Events are progression stages of a members’ union history or of a union file. They include minimally a date and a name. You can optionally add a description as well as notes. The configuration of events available to your organization can be changed by an authorized account holder of the organization by contacting our customer support.
I no longer wish to receive the daily journal, is it possible to disable it?
Any administrator can disable or enable the sending of the daily journal for a specific user from their user profile, in the administration module.
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