Version 2024.6.5.0 (Released 2024-12-11)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Creation of a secure portal to update member data.
- Implementation of a secure API endpoint to enable GET / POST exchanges.
Version 2024.6.4.0 (Released 2024-12-02)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Development of a new custom report, for extracting member data (exclusively for the SIM)
Bug fixes related to restricted read and write access modes:
Display of the message "Invalid date" under date fields when they are empty.
Availability of the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons under the "Contact" tab, which were causing an error.
Version 2024.6.3.0 (Released 2024-11-18)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Addition of the "CCQ Number" field in employer records.
- Adjustment of the message and example for entering the SIM intervention number in the "Incident" mobile app.
- Adjustment of event creation through the dynamic import process.
Note: The "Incident" module is exclusively for the SIM.
Version 2024.6.2.0 (Released 2024-10-31)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Addition in Sentinelle of an invitation button under a member's profile, allowing an email invitation to be sent to the member for access to the mobile application "Incident."
Adjustment to the "incident" mobile Application.
Added an example for entering the SIM intervention number.
Added a link to the help center.
Added a new item to the dropdown menu for exposures.
Note: The "Incident" module is exclusively for the SIM.
Version 2024.6.1.0 (Released 2024-10-10)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Addition of the email address in the customized report "Insurance Data" (exclusively for the SIM).
- Availability of new fields types (employer, position, sector, etc.) under the "Other transaction information" section.
- Addition of a mandatory indicator for the input field in the email body content, within the email sending action.
- Inclusion of information on the active sector(s) of members in the export of union leaves.
- Bug fix in a trigger event containing a dropdown list in the description field.
Version 2024.6.0.1 (Released 2024-09-27)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Correction of the functionality affecting the display and addition of private notes in member profiles.
Version 2024.6.0.0 (Released 2024-09-23)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Enhancing security measures for access to certain members' data.
Version 2024.5.2.0 (Released 2024-08-13)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Added to Azure storage : correspondence files for dynamic imports.
- Added additional fields to batch transaction imports.
Version 2024.5.1.0 (Released 2024-07-22)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Enhancement of security for user profile access.
Version 2024.5.0.0 (Released 2024-07-18)
Improvements and bug fixes :
Version 2024.4.1.0 (Released 2024-06-27)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Fixed vertical scrolling in the full document view.
- System notifications are now sent in the language of the user receiving them.
- Improved the selection of event reminder filter options in the "Home" module in order to distinguish each event based on its associated module..
- Fixed the functionality of write-restricted reminders under a member's file.
- Fixed occasional bug causing an error during export of Health and Safety files.
- Added to Aspose dictionary: event note merge field for Labour Relations and Health and Safety files.
- Fixed bug occurring during committee note synchronization in a specific case with unliked files.
- Improved file search by number in the committee module.
- Fixed display issue affecting date-type fields under an event after its creation.
- Corrected full display in the "Label Management" module.
Version 2024.4.0.0 (Released 2024-05-29)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Added tab navigation through the fields in the "Contact" tab of a member's profile.
- Generation of the dynamic import result file based on the user's language.
- Improved performance when opening a Labour Relations or Health and Safety file.
- Removal of the "All" option in date filters.
- Fixed a bug related to category assignment when filing to the Documentation Center.
- Fixed the bug occurring when linking and unlinking a file under a committee.
Version 2024.3.3.0 (Released 2024-04-25)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Rename labels under the "Module" et "Permission" filters in the administration module.
- Apply security measures to prevent the creating, modification, and deletion of employment history within a sector that the connected user is not authorized for.
- Correct an error that may occasionally occur during the generation of the data extraction file (simplified or complete) for work relationship records.
Version 2024.3.1.0 (Released 2024-04-04)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Added fields for members' email addresses and their favourite email address in the extraction of the list of invitations/presences for an assembly.
- Correction of the label for the field "Arrival hour" in the extraction of the list of invitations/presences for an assembly.
Version 2024.3.0.0 (Released 2024-04-02)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Restructuring of the database for saving events, to speed up event creation and modification.
Version 2024.2.0.0 (Released 2024-02-26)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Added a window when extracting members' data to select each type of data to extract.
- Added a drop-down menu when adding additional member information for the data name containing the name of existing additional information.
- Added the "tags" column when extracting labour relations, work accidents and ethics and discipline record data.
- Added an option to extract additional information when extracting members' data.
- Moved the management of label templates in the user menu.
- Added pagination for the employee's list in an employer's file.
Version 2024.1.0.2 (Released 2024-02-13)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Bug fix where dynamic imports would give a warning for a member not found on Sentinel even though this member does exist on Sentinel.
Version 2024.1.0.0 (Released 2024-02-12)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Added a warning message in the window to send text messages about the delivery time.
- Translated the warning message to set up the text messages functionality.
- Modified the order of records in the member form, to group them by status (open, closed, archived) and by the opening date.
- Bug fix where the employers' list would not show up when adding a new collective agreement.
- Modified the order of events in the summaries of labour (labor) relations and work accident records so that events are sorted by their event date.
- Translated the label for the tags' filter in the documentation centre.
- Bug fix for the default country when adding a new member. (specifically for United States workspaces)
- Modified the label for the social security number field in a member's record. (specifically for United States workspaces)
- Bug fix where users' language field was empty. (specifically for United States workspaces)
Version 2024.0.2.0 (Released 2024-01-25)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Bug fix where the dynamic import's actions would not show up in the logs.
Version 2024.0.1.0 (Released 2024-01-16)
Improvements and bug fixes :
- Added a new functionality related to the law 25 to allow the deletion of information in the members, labour relations, work accidents, and ethics and discipline modules.
- The activation of the permission is required in each concerned module.
- A new "Deleted" status has been added.
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