Version 2022.5.4.9 (released 2022-12-14)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Corrected the naming of the “Documentation Center” module name, in an English space.
- Made improvement in custom reports..
- Improvement made to a custom dynamic import.
Version 2022.5.4.8 (released 2022-12-12)
Improvements and bug fixes:
Added additional security, for clickjacking,
Version 2022.5.4.7 (released 2022-12-07)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Improvement made to a custom dynamic import.
Version 2022.5.4.6 (released 2022-11-29)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Added "Status" and "Status Date" fields to the member creation screen (default values are "Active" and today's date).
- Allow selection of photos and videos, in the Incidents module.
- Fixed a bug when uploading a member document that generated an error.
Version 2022.5.4.5 (released 2022-11-19)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed the display of permission for custom reports, in the user profile.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
Version 2022.5.4.4 (released 2022-11-10)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed minor bugs, for some dynamic imports.
Version 2022.5.4.3 (released 2022-11-09)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue accessing Sentinel with an Appel device, in the Incidents module.
Version 2022.5.4.2 (released 2022-11-07)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Add a warning, to the selection of the Excel.xls file type, that it is no longer supported by the dynamic import.
- Fixed scheduling of imports that are launched after 6 p.m.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
Version 2022.5.4.1 (released 2022-10-27)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a minor bug for dynamic import.
Version 2022.5.4.0 (released 2022-10-27)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Launch of the Transaction module.
**To obtain this module, a request must be made to a Sentinel agent for activate it** - The Import of transactions is available through generic dynamic import.
- Fixed display of edit window for sending email when there is only one filtered member selected
Version 2022.5.3.0 (released 2022-10-26)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Incident module improvement:
Export exhibition data;
- Filter on incident date;
- Perform a "Member exposure" export;
- Archiving incidents;
- The "Description" field of an incident is made mandatory under the mobile.
- Addition of an "Incident exposure" system event in the member file, to link incident files.
Version 2022.5.2.0 (released 2022-10-19)
Improvements and bug fixes:
Add the field "Nature" and "Union representative" in the Ethics and Discipline module.
- It is now possible to have the "Employer" field in the Labor Relations, Health and Safety and Ethics Dsicipline modules.
**To obtain this field, a request must be made to a Sentinel agent for activate the option**
Version 2022.5.1 (released 2022-10-06)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug when closing a labor relation file that occurred if no user assignment to the reminders.
- Fixed extracting the "Position changes history" report that generated an error.
- Fixed the bug when viewing classified documents in the documents section under a member's file.
- Fixed the bug when downloading the output file (CSV Details) after dynamic import processing.
Version 2022.5.0 (released 2022-09-06)
Improvements and bug fixes:
To allow better security, the databases have been encrypted.
- To improve productivity, the mailboxes were relocated to Microsoft 365 cloud services (MS graph API).
Version 2022.4.8 (released 2022-08-31)
Improvements and bug fixes:
Added new button "Rename", in the documentation section under the committee module, which allows the title to be modified.
- Fixed a bug which caused the possibility of duplicates, when exporting professional files.
- The "Confirm" button is disabled after the dynamic import has benne processed.
- Removed of the "Members" section in the feedback module of emails.
- Fixed the "An error has occurred..." message in the home page that could occur in some cases.
- Fixed the logging of some items that were incorrectly identified.
Version 2022.4.7 (released 2022-07-01)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- The PDF summary of member records now includes the new "Date of hiring" and "Seniority" fields.
- The PDF summary of member records now includes ethics records.
- Fixed a bug where an error message was displayed when generating a labour relations record number.
- Members whose position histories are archived (deleted) no longer appear in the employee lists of the employers module.
- Fixed a bug that prevented updating an incident's address in the Incidents module.
- The list of wordings in labour relations records is now sorted in ascending alphabetical order instead of descending.
- Bulk emails with attachments over 22MB now display an error message and cannot be sent.
Version 2022.4.6 (released 2022-06-17)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Added new options to the assembly type menu.
- Improvement to data extraction notification emails sent to users who have the "Receive system notifications " option enabled in their profile.
- Fixed a bug that prevented searching by email address if it contained a hyphen.
- Fixed a bug that displayed the General sector in French for English locales.
- Fixed a bug that gave several organizations more than one "Record reopneing" event in some modules.
Version 2022.4.5 (released 2022-05-25)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevented the value of the "Employer" drop-down menu from displaying in the employment history editing modal for organizations with more than 50 employers.
Version 2022.4.4 (released 2022-05-16)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong collective agreement in a labour relations record drop-down menu if the one assigned to that record was inactive or in negotiation.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some records from being searchable in the “Link records” window in the committees module.
- Fixed a bug that prevented certain employers from being selected in the professional record edit window if the user did not have access to the sector to which this employer was assigned.
Version 2022.4.3 (released 2022-04-29)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- It is now possible to modify the collective agreement of a labour relations record after it has been created.
- Fixed a bug that caused a logging error when a record was saved with more than 30 affected individuals.
- Optimization of performance by replacing certain components used for refreshing specific sections.
Version 2022.4.2 (released 2022-04-25)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Optimized indexes for sending bulk emails.
- Dynamic import now supports the creation of non-existing member positions.
- Mobile users can now add themselves to incidents they weren't invited to in the Incidents module.
- It is now possible to rename the notion of employer in the members module for organizations that do not use it, by contacting support.
- Additions to customer-specific modules.
Version 2022.4.1 (released 2022-04-04)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Improvements to the initial setup and password change process for mobile users.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some users from adding events to member records despite having appropriate permissions.
- Added a warning when the duration of a union release premium is less than 0.
- Added query logging when sending bulk emails for debugging purposes.
Version 2022.4.0 (released 2022-03-18)
New features:
- Added and enabled two-factor authentication for all users (learn more).
- Added a “restricted write” access level for the member module. This level of access is identical to that of the same name in the labour relations module, and allows admins to give users a write access which only allows for adding specific events, at the choice of the organization. An account holder in your organization can define the list of these specific events by contacting our support team.
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that allowed employment histories to be created without an employer.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error message when selecting certain member functions.
- Fixed a bug that redirected users to a blank page when first logging into the mobile version of the incidents module.
- Fixed a bug that caused union leave exports with no data.
Version 2022.3.1 (released 2022-03-09)
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevented saving an event if its description was too long.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error message when searching in the category filter if it contained more than 512 values.
- Performance optimization.
- Fixed 3 other minor or data-specific bugs.
Version 2022.3.0 (released 2022-02-23)
New features:
- Added a hiring date field in member records, separate from the seniority date.
- Added an archive button in the user profiles of the administration module. Archiving a user means that they will no longer appear in the choices for the union representatives and assigned users drop-down menus, which allow the linking of users to records and reminders. However, the users will remain in the search filters.
- Added new options for choosing the destination email addresses for bulk email sending. The new options are detailed in this article.
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Merged documents in the labour relations and health and safety modules can now target custom employment history properties.
- Fixed a bug that displayed an error message when adding records to favourites.
- Fixed a bug that redirected users in union leaves management mode to the home page when trying to edit an existing union leave.
- Fixed the wording of some warnings in the preprocess of dynamic imports.
- Various performance and stability improvements.
Version 2022.2.0 (released 2022-02-14)
New features:
- Launch of the incidents module. This module is designed to be used by firefighter unions.
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevented the display of certain values in search filters if they contained over 128 elements.
- Miscellaneous performance and stability improvements
Version 2022.1.0 (released 2022-01-28)
New features:
- Addition of a “Seniority” text field in member records. This field can be updated manually, but is designed specifically for organizations whose data is updated regularly by the dynamic import module Another additional field coming soon will make the visual of this section more coherent.
- Added a “Disable the daily journal” toggle in user profiles that allows administrators to disable the sending of the daily journal on an individual basis.
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug in the member module’s employer filter that caused results to be missing for organizations with more than 128 employers.
- Fixed a bug that prevented bulk email sending for emails containing HTML code of significant size.
- Fixed a bug that applied duplicate checking to archived members during dynamic imports.
- Fixed a bug that displayed an incorrect total number of allowed modules in the permissions of some users.
- Fixed a bug that displayed archived members in member multi-select drop-down menus.
- Fixed one other minor bug
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